Blog Contest ~ Awesome Custom!

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Blog Contest

One of the more unusual, but very meaningful and rewarding ways to promote your site is a competition. Start a few days (or more) earlier than you plan to start building hype and excitement for your little competition with the announcement that it is a great price for grabs, and the input is dead easy. At the same time you need to ask anybody who read everything they have to offer, the prices go in the direction that you can leave your lucky winner.

There is a lot in it for them, as you need to make it clear: They get their product, and probably from a few people, and your product gets a link, and in your blog on a regular basis. If things are really bad, if you are looking for prices to use, then offer people who donate prizes a few months' worth of advertising on your blog or, in fact, offered as a prize for themselves.

How are the people win the competition? Simple - by the things to do, how to link to your blog, and subscribe to comments in your RSS feed. Holding a contest really is a win-win situation: The market participants increased feed and comments count, and the possibility for the collection of some really cool prices spread the word to your blog!